DECLARE @return_code INT;
DECLARE @maxfilesize BIGINT;
SET @maxfilesize = 5;
--step 1: create a new empty trace definition
EXEC sp_trace_create
@traceid OUTPUT
, @options = 2
, @tracefile = N'C:\TraceFiles\LoginAudit21'
, @maxfilesize = @maxfilesize
, @stoptime =NULL
, @filecount = 2;
-- step 2: add the events and columns
EXEC sp_trace_setevent
@traceid = @TraceID
, @eventid = 14 -- Security Audit
, @columnid = 10 -- Application Name
, @on = 1;--include this column in trace
EXEC sp_trace_setevent
@traceid = @TraceID
, @eventid = 14 -- Security Audit
, @columnid = 35 --Database Name
, @on = 1;--include this column in trace
EXEC sp_trace_setevent
@traceid = @TraceID
, @eventid = 14 -- Security Audit
, @columnid = 11 --Login Name
, @on = 1;--include this column in trace
EXEC sp_trace_setevent
@traceid = @TraceID
, @eventid = 14 -- Security Audit
, @columnid = 6 -- NTUserName
, @on = 1;--include this column in trace
EXEC sp_trace_setevent
@traceid = @TraceID
, @eventid = 14 -- Security Audit
, @columnid = 12 --SPID
, @on = 1;--include this column in trace
EXEC sp_trace_setevent
@traceid = @TraceID
, @eventid = 14 -- Security Audit
, @columnid = 14 --EndTime
, @on = 1;--include this column in trace
-- step 3: add duration filter
--DECLARE @DurationFilter BIGINT;
--SET @DurationFilter = 10000000; --duration in microseconds
--EXEC sp_trace_setfilter
-- @traceid = @TraceID
-- , @columnid = 13
-- , @logical_operator = 0 --AND
-- , @comparison_operator = 4 -- greater than or equal to
-- , @value = @DurationFilter; --filter value
--SELECT @TraceID AS TraceID;
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