The following query gives the number of times a stored procedure has been executed since it was last compiled. The time duration is in microseconds and the query below converts them to seconds. It is interesting to note that if you run a stored procedure WITH RECOMPILE, the execution count doesn't go up for that execution but the the previous count remains unchanged
SELECT OBJECT_NAME (object_id, database_id) AS stored_proc_name, s.execution_count, CONVERT (DECIMAL (20, 2), (total_elapsed_time)/1000000) total_elapsed_time_in_secs, CONVERT (DECIMAL (20, 2), (last_elapsed_time/1000000)) last_elapsed_time_in_secs, CONVERT (DECIMAL (20, 2), (min_elapsed_time/1000000)) min_elapsed_time_in_secs, CONVERT (DECIMAL (20, 2), (max_elapsed_time/1000000)) max_elapsed_time_in_secs, CONVERT (DECIMAL (20, 2), (((total_elapsed_time/execution_count)/1000000))) AS avg_elapsed_time_in_secs
FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats s
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (s.sql_handle) s1
WHERE database_id = 7
AND [type] = 'P'
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